Davrian - We are not alone
Well. It's a rare treat to see another Davrian at a motor show, but we were completely non-plussed to pass one on the road.
Having spent the day repairing (or not) the fuel gauge/sender on the Robin Hood (more of that in a separate blog) we spruced ourselves up (as far as we can) and headed off to Romanby Jazz and Swing Club in Northallerton to be entertained by one of the bands we follow - the Swing Commanders.
Following a great evening we were heading back up the A19 in the not-quite-darkness (being very close to the longest day it wasn't properly dark even though it was approaching 11.00pm) when we began to catch a set of lights with virtually no attached silhouette. As we got closer, I began to make out the shape of a very low slung vehicle ahead and began to think it was an MX5 or similar, but it wasn't making much progress for a sports car: popping along at about 55mph. As we got even closer I began to recognise the rear light cluster and as we flashed past it I screamed "Denise - that was a Davrian did you see it?"
It turns out the appeal of twitterbook (or something similar) meant Denise hadn't seen it so I was encouraged to slow down to a leisurely 50mph or so and a few minutes later (literally) said Davrian caught and passed us. We hit the Middlesbrough Flyover and the street-lit section of the A19, so we followed for a while, before finally resuming normal speeds and heading for home just in case the Davrian driver called 999 and said he was being followed by a suspicious vehicle.
That was yesterday (Friday 10th June). We guessed that the Davrian (and its driver) had been heading for Sunderland today - as the North East Land Sea and Air Museum (NESLAM - the old Transport Museeum to you and me) had organised a get together for Clan / Imp / Davrian owners. We decided to go along and have a look. When we got there - sure enough there was the Davrian from the night before, with a handful of other Clans and Imps. We found the Davrian driver and apologised for stalking him the night before and we had a good old chat about the Davrians before investigating the other cars and everything else the museum has to offer.
Photos from the event below - click any one for a larger image.